IFF Short Film Competition is Officially Open


To venture beyond boundaries is to perk the monotonous and create a ripple that reaches the corners of the world.

Hence, this year our theme is: ​Changing of Patterns.​

The winner will have their brainchild screened on our Opening Night AND will be rewarded AUD $750 to fund their next passion project.

Fun fact: The epitome of modern cinema, Wes Anderson himself got his big break when his low-budget, black and white short got noticed by Hollywood producer James Brooks at Sundance. Now that’s the kind of story you want to tell your grandkids by the fireplace on Christmas Eve.

So hurry and get yours in before entries close on March 2, 2020. Best of luck!

For more information about our terms, conditions, regulations and submissions, visit our landing page iffaustralia.com

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