It was back in 1998…a group of close friends were just hanging out together..bored to bored that they found it interesting reading through old papers.. until they realised “oh.. we can make new papers!” get it?! Old papers – New papers – and finally newspapers! hehehe… That’s how Indomedia got started.
Yes, Indomedia was born in Australia. A group of 5 creative young people decided to give birth to Indomedia at home. Indomedia was a good & healthy baby! The first edition was a 24-page tabloid, circulated for free around Sydney. How good was that?! Healthy or what! Due to its popular demands, within a year Indomedia decided to span its wings and flew to Melbourne. Melbournians are great friendly earthlings.. the welcoming party was so great that Indomedia decided to stay and double its page. Yes, from 24 jumped to 48.
By the year 2000, Indomedia has gained popularity with the Perthians as well (yeah! doesn’t really sound right… I meant Perth locals). So again, we decided to span our wings once again and flew to Perth and stayed there permanently.
Now, 18 years on…and 120 page later… Indomedia has become Australian Top Bachelor. Of course, this does not come easy.. through hard work, commitment, dedication, friendship, loyalty from our clients and readers and by Grace.. we are still standing and still voted as number one by our readers and advertisers. This is a cool thing to have, don’t you think?
Our advertisers and readers have told us that we basically own 80% of the share market in Australia. We hope that what they said is true… we will leave this for you to judge I guess. One thing we can promise you is that we will sow more so that our readers can enjoy our tabloids more and our advertisers can reap the benefit. Win-Win situation! yeah… we love this concept. We promise you that we will continually make positive impacts through our involvement in the community – particularly the Indonesian community in Australia.
Indomedia is now accessible through the net and all major cities in Australia including Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide and Perth! This is to cater the needs of our Indo community in Australia. Hope you guys also like our web looks! Drop us a line and let us know what you think.