Media Information
frequency: Monthly (3rd week of the month)
type: Tabloid – Free of charge
language: Bahasa Indonesia
pages: 104 Pages
circulation: 10,000 copies
distribution: Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Adelaide and Perth.
distribution point: Asian/Indonesian restaurants, oriental supermarkets, shops, businesses, apartments, colleges/universities and other places where Indonesians would hang out.
coverage: Indomedia covers all the latest news, current events, hot gossips of stars and celebrities, education news, trends, lifestyle, film, music, technology and other cool things. We provide updated information to the Indonesian community in Australia and newcomers to the country, especially Indonesian students, visitors and investors. So far, we have been a very reliable source of information for them.
readership: Since Indomedia distributed FREE OF CHARGE, therefore, a 100% readership is guaranteed!!
advertisement dimensions:
Full Page (no bleed) 350mm (h) x 245mm (w)
Half Page Horizontal 165mm (h) x 245mm (w)
Quarter Page 165mm (h) x 115mm (w)
One Eight page 80mm (h) x 115mm (w)
Classified 50mm (h) x 80mm (w)
Artwork Requirements:
file types
We accept pdf, jpeg and tiff file. We DO NOT accept Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and Publisher as finished artwork.
colour & resolution
Full colour files are to be supplied as CMYK only with a minimum of 300dpi.
artwork can be supplied in one of two ways:
Email – Artwork to be sent to
Disk – We accept CD. Files to be accompanied by hardcopy proof and all fonts/images loaded onto the disk
Artwork should be to the exact specified dimensions. Indomedia reserves the right to reject artwork that does not meet our standards of ethics and specification
Further Information:
Please do not hesitate to contact Irwan Utama on (02) 9280 4688 or 0414 962 888 or email to