Heda Bailey: Seniman Batik Kontemporer


hedaBATIK is a representation of myself, Heda Bailey, a batik artist whose work revolves around creating batik pieces from scratches or transform the batik artwork and hosting workshops, batik clinic and exhibitions around Australia.

I create some batik pieces in a traditional way by using a traditional tool called canting which is called as a batik tulis (hand-waxed batik with canting). I also collect many vintage batik long clothes, host the batik workshops, share and speak about batik, present batik clinics, which I can show a brief of batik process to the public, live batik demos, batik displays and exhibitions, and everything about batik. I just love to create the distinguished batik artwork in contemporary style.

My mission is to spread the beauty of batik through the real artwork – encouraging you to join batik workshop to experience some works behind the beauty of batik in Australia. hedaBATIK is just a tiny batik hub in Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia to share a heart of batik from the very personal journey to present batik as Indonesian cultural heritage art. Everything in hedaBATIK is just a humble beginning to love batik. Let’s take a real action together to know batik better and to join our batik clinics, classes, exhibitions and workshops so that we participate to preserve batik as the world heritage.

Favorite artworks

1. Deep Down (kanan)

Lukisan batik tulis ukuran 55 x 115 cm yang khusus diciptakan untuk kedua putraku, Audi dan Robert. No matter what how painful the life I had to go through and all I did to stay in the marriage, was for them. They are the love of my life. Deep down in my heart always for Audi and Robert.

2. The Series of Clouds: 7 Days 7 Clouds

Batik Making Process

Perlengkapan untuk membuat batik tulis hanya canting. Dimulai dengan menyiapkan kain katun mori 100% putih, yang bisa digambar/sketsa dengan pensil dulu atau bisa juga langsung mencantingkan lilin panas cair dengan alat canting. Pencantingan dimulai dengan outline-nya, yang disebut proses rengreng. Setelah semua outlines beres, pencantingan dilanjutkan dengan mengisi dekorasi, yang disebut proses nyecek.

Setelah selesai pencantingan, dilanjutkan dengan mewarnai. Pewarnaan bisa dilakukan dengan teknik celup atau colet, tergantung kebutuhan dan keinginan. Setelah pewarnaan beres, lukisan batik ini difiksasi agar warnanya menempel secara permanen.

Setelah itu, batik lukisan direbus di dalam air panas di atas kompor dengan api tetap menyala untuk menghilangkan lilin. Proses ini disebut lirod. Batik lukisan dianggap selesai, tinggal dicuci bersih, dijemur, disetrika, dan dibingkai. [IM]

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