Soundquriang 8: Reminiscence of Nusantara


An annual charity concert by PPIA Macquarie

Soundquriang is the largest annual event held by PPIA Macquarie, promoting Indonesian art and culture through music as the medium of interaction. This concert aims to contribute to solving the social challenges persisting in Indonesia, specifically children-related issues, by donating 100% of its profits to a selected cause. The name ‘Soundquriang’ combines the element of ‘sound’ and the epic Indonesian legend of ‘Sangkuriang’.

Continuing the legacy of prior years, Soundquriang 8 will be held as a means to uphold Indonesian art and culture through music. This year collaborating with Raisa, Rizky Febian, and Misellia Ikwan, the concert features highlights from prior years, which showcase the traditional culture of Indonesia from a musical perspective. Furthermore, this year’s event also marks the advent of their conceived cinematic production that tells more about Indonesian histories. These intuitive additions represent the growth and development of the event and Soundquriang’s commitment to innovating new concepts.

As the world has not fully recovered from COVID-19 outbreaks, PPIA Macquarie moves adaptively and change the perspectives on how to approach these limitations, which in this case, adapting Soundquriang to be an online project once more. At the time this article was written, Soundquriang 8 has been watched by more than 9,800 people on PPIAMQ TV YouTube channel.

With Happy Hearts Indonesia, this event aims to alleviate persistent educational issues in rural areas of Indonesia. The charitable aims of this event are central to its concept and purpose. As Soundquriang 8 beneficiary, Happy Hearts Indonesia aims to support the reconstruction of more schools affected by natural disasters around the country. In the spirit of creating a greater impact, Happy Hearts Indonesia is also supporting local communities by rebuilding sustainable schools in underdeveloped areas.

100% of the funds raised by this charity concert will be handed to Happy Hearts Indonesia for school rebuilding. You can donate through:


Account name: PPIAMQ 20/21
BSB: 062-692
Account number: 43028501

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