“When I was a boy of fourteen, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be twenty-one, I was astonished at how much he had learned in seven years.” – Mark Twain
Kutipan Mark Twain ini adalah sebuah sindiran halus. Sebuah paradoks. Yang terjadi sebenarnya adalah bukan ayahnya yang berubah selama tujuh tahun terakhir. Dirinyalah sebagai anak, selang berjalannya tahun dan bertambahnya kedewasaan, yang mencapai pemahaman.
Dalam rangka perayaan Hari Ayah di awal bulan September ini, mari kita ikuti
komen-komen pembaca INDOMEDIA mengenai ayah mereka!
Adam Dharma
What is your Father’s Day wish for your Dad
My Father’s Day wish for my dad is for his business to thrive.
What do you like most about your Dad
The thing I love most about my dad is his money$$$.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
I don’t hate anything about my dad, he is very sexy and handsome.
Jayden and Levi
What do you wanna say to your dad on Father’s Day
Thanks for being a greatest dad ever!
What do you like the most about your dad
I love my dad for his patience, encouragement and support.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
Dad watched too much TV.
Joshua Paulus
What is your Father’s Day wish for your Dad?
My Father’s Day wish for my dad is to wish for long lasting health for him, so he can be happy and healthy in whatever he does. I wish we can spend a lot of time together.
What do you like most about your Dad?
I like my Dad’s humorous side and being funny when he’s not even trying. I also like the lessons he’s taught me.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
At times, I don’t like how my dad text messages because it’s either a one word answer or a long sentence response. But overall it’s funny.
Tarrence & Reynard
Your message for Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day Dad! Even though you’re always nagging me, you’re nagging me to become a better and more responsible person. I don’t say it enough but thank you for everything you’ve done and everything you’ve sacrificed to give us such a great and blessed life! You’re a hard worker and don’t complain at all – thanks for teaching me all these valuable life lessons.
What do you like most about your Dad?
He never complains if there’s too much work and always strives to do the best. He is also super generous and always puts others before himself.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
He asks too many questions when we’re watching TV shows or movies to the point we get confused as well hahaha….
Ryel and Aisley
Your message for Father’s Day
You’re a cool dad.
What do you like most about your Dad?
He’s a cool dad.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
He’s not cool all the time.
Your message for Father’s Day
Happy Father’s Day.
What do you like most about your Dad
He plays video games with me.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
His dad jokes are too cheesy.
Jesselyn and Maureen
What is your Father’s Day wish for your Dad
That he gets to travel to wherever he wants!
What do you like most about your Dad
He is funny and understanding.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
He is SO competitive in monopoly and will rub his money in your face.
Timothy Emmanuel Chanata Suhendro
What is your Father’s Day wish for your Dad
I wish for my dad to become faithful in all he does and become someone that me and my sister can look up to and follow his example, I wish he can become someone who is successful in all he does but has time for family as well!
What do you like most about your Dad
I love how he is always there for me and never leave me when I need him.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
He’s sometimes just annoying and acts weird but it’s fine. XD
Rachel and Kevin
What is your Father’s Day wish for your Dad
Happy Father’s Day Papi Kurniawan. Thank you for caring and supporting us through all these years. Wishing you happiness, success, health and blessings from God. We love you.
What do you like most about your Dad
His wisdom.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
Can be a bit stubborn sometimes 🙂
Aletheia Yosaviera & Joannes
Aletheia Yosaviera
What is your Father’s Day wish for your Dad?
I pray that God would continue to increase his wisdom and give him more insight and empathy for the people around him, that he will be able to unite more people, families, churches, and generations, and raise more leades who have the same heart.
What do you like most about your Dad?
I love seeing him lead and learning from him as he navigates so many complex situations with so much grace and patience. I respect him a lot as a leader and a pastor, and I can see why God has trusted him woth so much resposibility.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
He literally has the stinkiest farts ever.. hahaha. And my brother has inherited that too.
What is your Father’s Day wish for your Dad?
He doesn’t feel old.
What do you like most about your Dad?
His jokes are actually funny.
What do you not like the most about your dad?
He sometimes tries to communicate in sign language.
How Well Do You Know Your Dad?
Anak papa? Mari kita buktikan! INDOMEDIA juga “nodong” dua perempuan cantik yang bisa dibilang “daddy’s girl” untuk membuktikan rasa cinta keduanya pada sang ayah. Dua-duanya memberikan jawaban dalam waktu yang singkat supaya nggak bisa nggak cari “bocoran” dulu.
Merri Aurelian
Nama Lengkap Ayah: Yohanes Afat
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir Ayah: Pontianak, 22 Agustus 1953
Hobi Ayah: Bekerja
What do you like most about your Dad? Honesty, integrity, and hard working person.
Tiga kata tentang Ayah: Never give up.
Prinsip hidup Ayah yang kamu hidupi juga: Honesty, integrity, and hard working.
Best memory with him: When I was a kid, I always wanted to go with him in business trip. I got a chance to go with him and he would to carry me while he worked.
Calista Amarati
Nama Lengkap Ayah: Susilo Handoko Wignjowargo
Tempat & Tanggal Lahir Ayah: Purworejo, 8 Oktober 1964
Hobi Ayah: Baca buku, travelling, dan bersosialisasi
What do you like most about your Dad? He is smart, and is always respectful to others. He is caring and is always there for me depsite his busy schedule. We have father-daughter days and I think they are the best.
Tiga kata tentang Ayah: Smart, loving, disciplined.
Prinsip hidup Ayah yang kamu hidupi juga: Jangan pernah berhenti belajar, always be respectful to others, and family comes first.
Wise word for your father: Selalu semangat dan sehat. Always remember that I love you. [IM]