Mari Berbahasa Indonesia: Hotel Room Service


The column Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” aims to introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and expression that will guide you to the common use them in conversation.

The segment of Mari Berbahasa Indonesia has been made possible through cooperation between
The Indonesian Embassy in Canberra and Indomedia. You can access the audio version via instagram @inaincanberra.  

Next is a conversation about Pelayanan Kamar Hotel or in English ‘Hotel Room Service’. Let’s read the following conversation loudly and  slowly. You may repeat them again to make it perfect. 

Resepsionis: Selamat malam, dengan housekeeping. Ada yang bisa kami bantu?
Tony: Malam. Saya perlu pengering rambut. Boleh saya pinjam?
Resepsionis: Pengering rambut ada di laci lemari, Pak.
Tony: O, baik. Saya lihat dulu. Terima kasih.
Resepsionis: Sama-sama.

Now, I will introduce some vocabularies and phrases, related to the today’s topic. 

Saya perlu pengering rambut (I need a hairdryer)
Boleh saya pinjam pengering rambut? (May I borrow a hairdryer please?)
Laci (Locker)
Laci lemari (Drawer)
Pengering rambut ada di laci lemari (The hair dryer is in the drawer)
Saya lihat dulu (I’ll look for it first)
Butuh (to need)
Perlu (to need)
Handuk (towel)
Baru (new)
Handuk baru (new towel)
Sisir (comb)

To Convey what you need, use the word “perlu” or “butuh”.

Saya perlu pengering rambut (I need a hair dryer)
Saya butuh pengering rambut (I need a hair dryer)
Saya perlu handuk baru (I need a new towel)
Saya butuh sisir (I need a comb)
Kami memerlukan air panas (We need hot water)

Let’s practice!

Resepsionis: Selamat malam, dengan Housekeeping. Ada yang bisa kami bantu?
Tony: Malam. Saya memerlukan handuk baru. Boleh saya minta?

Resepsionis: Bapak bisa mengambil handuk baru di toilet, Pak.
Tony: O, baik. Saya lihat dulu. Terima kasih.

Resepsionis: Sama-sama.

That was “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” this time with the topic “Hotel Room Service (Pelayanan Kamar Hotel)”. Hopefully this edition can be useful for those who want to know more about Bahasa Indonesia. 

We’ll meet again next month with different topic. See you in the next edition with other interesting topics. Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa. [IM]

Penyusun: Ghofar Ismail

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