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Mari Berbahasa Indonesia

Oleh: Ghofar Ismail/Instagram:@inaincanberra

The column Mari Berbahasa Indonesia or “Let’s Speak Bahasa Indonesia” aims to introduce some Indonesian vocabulary and guides you to use them in a conversation. 

The segment of Mari Berbahasa Indonesia has been made possible through cooperation between
The Indonesian Embassy in Canberra and Indomedia. You can access the audio version via instagram @inaincanberra.

Well readers, this month’s topic is Memperkenalkan Hari or ‘Introducing the Day’ in a conversation between Sinta and Tony.

Sinta: Apakah Anda akan pergi ke Candi Prambanan? (Do you want to go to Prambanan Temple?)
Tony: Ya. Saya akan ke sana hari Senin. (Yes, I do. I will go there on Monday)

Sinta: Senin? Sekarang hari Senin. (On Monday? Today is Monday)
Tony: Oh, Besok hari apa? (Oh, what day is tomorrow?)

Sinta: Besok hari Selasa. (Tomorrow is Tuesday)
Tony: Oh, saya akan ke Candi Prambanan besok hari Selasa besok. Bukan hari ini. Mbak kapan?

(Oh, I will go to Prambanan Temple tomorrow, on Tuesday. Not today. What about you?)

Sinta: Lusa. (The day after tomorrow)
Tony: Lusa berarti hari Rabu. (The day after tomorrow is Wednesday)

There are so many people go to Yogyakarta to visit Prambananan Temple, the biggest Hindu temple in Indonesia. In the context of dialogue between Sinta and Tony, Sinta wants to know whether Tony will go to Prambanan or not. 

Therefore, Sinta asked Tony ‘Do you want to go to Prambanan temple?’
So, if you want to ask about someone’s plan to go to some places, you can 

ask them by saying ‘Do you want to go to…’ then followed by the name of the places.


For example: 

Apakah Anda akan pergi ke Inggris? In English: ‘Do you want to go to England?’
To answer the question, if it is true that you will go to England, you can say: Ya, Saya akan ke sana. 

In English: ‘Yes, I will go there’ or Ya, saya akan ke Inggris or ‘Yes, I want to go to England’.
But if it is not, you can say: Tidak, saya tidak akan ke sana or ‘No I will not go there’. 

You can also say: Tidak, saya tidak akan pergi ke Inggris or ‘No I do not want to go to England’.

The name of the day in Indonesia is Senin (Monday), Selasa (Tuesday), Rabu (Wednesday),
Kamis (Thursday), Jumat (Friday), Sabtu (Saturday), and Minggu or (Sunday). Keep learning
to remember and pronounce the names of the day. 

You also have to learn the use of words “hari ini” (today), “besok” (tomorrow), “lusa” (the day after tomorrow, “kemarin” (yesterday), “minggu depan” (next week), “bulan depan (next month), “tahun depan” (next year), etc.

I hope you enjoy it.


The materials presented here are from

RRI World service Voice of Indonesia, and Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa
(Language Development and Cultivation Agency), Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
(The Ministry of Indonesian Education and Culture).

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