Hi, I’m Jason


First of all, I want to thank you Indomedia for creating this opportunity for me. As a creator, I really appreciate a great platform like Indomedia to share our thoughts and creativity. My main platforms for sharing the artworks are through the Instagram and also my website. I love to create something that speaks and gives love to people. I also would like to collaborate with other creatives ! It is just amazing how a team of creators can do so much more together and create a masterpiece.

These are some of my favorite photos where i took from the Harbour Bridge early in the morning. I named this collection Chasing Lights. These pictures speak about simplicity in life.

I also love to take people’s emotion. It creates a unique feeling when I see it. I feel so much loves and affections through these kinds of photos.
These photos are telling a love that never fails.

Thank you so much for reading this short bio!

These are my Instagram and website link:
Instagram: jhgouw

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