
Saat saya menulis artikel ini, kita semua sudah berada di hari ke-15 bulan Januari 2021. Tahun 2020 yang penuh ketidakpastian dan airmata sudah ditutup. It was crazy year!
Saat ini, kita bergerak maju menuju 2021 yang penuh harapan. Nah, saya sengaja mengumpulkan orang-orang berpengaruh, berprestasi, dan berkarya luar biasa untuk membagikan mimpi dan harapan mereka. Siapa tahu, kita bisa berharap lagi…

Saya rasa, hampir semua orang di dunia mengalami syok, kehilangan, dan kekecewaan yang mendalam. Semua bersumber pada satu hal: pandemi global Covid-19. Ada yang tertunda, ada yang gagal. Di Sydney, tempat saya tinggal, banyak yang kena denda akibat tidak patuh prosedur kesehatan. Di Indonesia, angka yang terpapar virus Covid-19 dan meninggal luar biasa. Tiap hari, melihat angka-angka Kasus Baru, Total Kasus, Meninggal, dan Sembuh bak menonton perolehan medali olimpiade–in reverse, tentu saja.

Banyak teman saya terpapar, dan sembuh. Mereka berbagi pengalamannya di media sosial. Banyak yang tidak saya kenal, meninggal dunia karenanya. Berita-berita tentang mereka saya baca dari portal-portal berita Tanah Air. Di antaranya nama-nama terkenal, berkuasa, dan para tenaga kesehatan yang selalu berada di garis depan. Berita semacam itu membuat siapa pun yang membacanya kecil hati.

Harapan untuk bisa hidup normal sepertinya menunggu vaksin disuntikkan.
Dan, itu bukan pekerjaan satu hari. Mungkin satu tahun. Bahkan, lebih.

Namun, kehidupan, bagi kita yang masih bernapas saat ini, harus terus berjalan.
Kita tidak bisa tenggelam dalam depresi akibat dibatasinya kehidupan.
Langkah pertama yang harus kita lakukan adalah menemukan harapan.

Jika Anda kesulitan menemukannya, yuk, mari, simak harapan para VVIP yang pernah mengisi Indomedia.

Grace Chim, international actress model and singer
Last year was a big year for everybody, a lot of things were stripped away, but a lot of things were revealed, and thru the heartaches and loss, we still persisted, pushed thru and grown. I hope we all realize that we’ve only walked out of 2020 stronger and whole.

If I’ve learnt anything last year is that we can make our plans in our hearts, but ultimately God’s plans prevail.
But it is good to have a vision, the bible says that ”Where there is no vision people perish (Proverbs 29:18)”. I’ve decided the only thing we have control over is not our future but the continuous working of ourselves. Whether in our careers, ambitions, relationships.

For my individual growth, I hope that I can continuously be free from my old patterns
and wrong beliefs, thru the help of counselling. Also learning to love Grace better each
year has been a gift, which has helped me become better in loving others.

Career-wise, I’m really praying that I could grow to be a more excellent actor
and God willing book a TV series regular job. I’m excited! My dreams last year
was honestly to just survive, but God blessed me with so much more.

Relationally, growing in becoming a better friend, loving my partner better,
reminding others constantly thru seasons how grateful I am for their presence,
and of course being a friend to those who are lonely.

At the end of the day, I just want to become more like Christ and love better
from an overflow of His heart.

Ivan Paulus, Pimpinan Perusahaan
Livingstone International
With the new year comes new aspiration and new hope.
I would like to be closer to God and be more useful to others. Spending more quality time with family.

After all, coronavirus COVID-19 taught us health is the most important and it does not pick and choose who to target.

I super miss my dad Herry Paulus in Jakarta whom cannot be visited due to border closure. My hope and my prayer
is that God allows us to meet again soon this year.

On the business side 2021, I would like to do more for Indonesia by ramping up sourcing from Indonesia and replacing China. Creating jobs for many thousands of Indonesians in the factories to do my humble little bit in Indonesian economic recovery. If every diaspora importer thinks alike this way, Indonesia will recover much faster.

Imported Indonesian products are channelled through our company Livingstone International and we export to 91 countries and also to United Nations organisations such as UNICEF, WHO, FAO therefore Indonesian consumables and disposable products will have world wide exposure – we are one gateway for Indonesian products to the world. May God bless this initiative abundantly.

Louisa Ribbonacci, singer-songwriter
I hope that in 2021 everyone (including myself)
can see some lights no matter what comes in front of us
in this unpredictable world 🙂 and also to release some
new songs of course.




Eric Losardi, atlet wushu
My hope and dream in 2021, I wish disaster of covid-19
can be passed soon and everyone can start with the new normal and rebuild their economy since it was impact a global economy. My dream in 2021 is become a better person than before, achieve more knowledge and
become better and better!



Inge Anugrah, fitness personality
My hope, yang utama supaya kita, manusia, benar-benar belajar dan berubah dari pandemi kemarin. Mother nature and our body adalah satu-satunyanya tempat kita hidup. Respect and do our part to take care of them. My dream in 2021 is to inspire people simply be kind (sama diri sendiri dan sekitar). Pastinya, 2020 tahun cobaan banget buat semua orang. Yuk, get back up together.

Enrico Soekarno, artist
Probably the same as everybody else.
The end of the pandemic, so we can
see loved ones and back to focusing
on more important stuff like the
climate change and ending of fascism
all over the world.



Dr. Peter Nugroho, the outback vet
For 2021, I hope that people across the
globe can freely travel again so they
can be with their family, friends and
beloved pets.




Warpan Handoyo, artist
It s simple hope for me in 2021:
everything back to normal and
be able visit to Indonesia again.

Usually I visit Indonesia every year,
I already passed the chance last year.
I really hope this year I’m be able
visit Indonesia.

Joseph Rustam, President Indonesian
Business Council (IBC)
Pandemi Covid-19 memberi kesempatan kepada kita
untuk menata ulang pola hidup dan peradaban manusia. Harapan saya, semoga tahun 2021 dipenuhi dengan berbagai inisiatif yang meningkatkan kesehatan,
pola hidup baru yang meningkatkan cinta kasih dan kebersamaan dalam keluarga, tatanan ekonomi yang
lebih inklusif dan bermanfaat bagi semua orang.
Semoga generasi muda saat ini juga tetap semangat
dan rajin berkreasi.

Julie Umboh, President of Indonesian Community Council (ICC) NSW
Tahun 2020 telah berlalu, kita patut mengucap syukur melimpah. Terima kasih kepada Tuhan karena kita telah melewati tahun yang penuh dengan tantangan, terlebih dengan adanya pandemi Covid-19. Mari kita sambut
tahun yang baru, 2021, dengan penuh optimisme,
damai, dan suka cita. Pengalaman tahun lalu merupakan pelajaran kehidupan yang menjadi acuan ke depan untuk lebih baik lagi dan selalu libatkan Tuhan di dalam kegiatan kehidupan kita. Tetap semangat dan sehat selalu.
Tuhan memberkati. [IM]

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